Bathroom Modifications To Consider

Start with a Home Safety Assessment by an Occupational Therapist

One of the key differentiators of Oakley Home Access versus others companies is that we provide Free Home Safety Assessments conducted by skilled Occupational Therapists. Our OT assessors always keep function and safety in mind and collaborate with individuals, their loved ones, and healthcare providers to create either simple or complex but effective modification solutions to maximize mobility and enhance safety.

Our experienced contractors are dedicated to not only quality craftsmanship, but to providing functional, personalized solutions to help clients maximize mobility. Our team has become certified installers and experts of all products found on our website. These include; Acorn & Bruno Stairlifts, CleanCut Tub Cuts, EZ Access Modular Ramps & Vertical Platform Lifts, Handicare Ceiling Lifts, and more. We are committed to ensuring that all jobs are completed to the highest quality and level of customer

Whether you are considering very conservative solutions as outlined below, or installation of a barrier free shower, we are here to help you be comfortable and safe.

Aging in place solutions for bathrooms focus on making the space safer, more accessible, and more comfortable for seniors to use independently. These modifications can greatly enhance the quality of life for older adults, allowing them to stay in their homes longer. Here are some easy solutions for transforming a bathroom into a more age-friendly environment.

Conservative Bathroom Modifications

Installing grab bars is one of the simplest and most effective measures. Placed in the shower, by the toilet, and along the walls, grab bars provide support for standing up, sitting down, and moving around the bathroom. They should be securely mounted to withstand a person’s weight. 

Consider the height of the toilet. Replacing a standard toilet with a comfort-height model, which is a few inches taller, can make a significant difference in ease of use and independence. The added height reduces strain on knees and backs, making it easier for someone to stand up from a seated position.

Shower chairs are an invaluable tool for individuals who face mobility challenges or have difficulty standing for extended periods. These specially designed chairs offer a range of benefits that significantly improve the quality of life and safety for users. By providing a stable and comfortable place to sit, shower chairs reduce the risk of slips and falls in the wet, slippery environment of a bathroom.

Beyond safety, shower chairs promote independence and dignity. They allow users to bathe themselves without the need for assistance from others, fostering a sense of self-reliance and privacy. This aspect of shower chairs can have a profound impact on an individual’s emotional well-being, as it helps maintain personal hygiene routines and confidence in personal care abilities.

Non-slip mats and flooring are essential. Bathrooms are prone to wet and slippery surfaces, so installing non-slip mats in and out of the shower or tub can prevent falls. For a more comprehensive solution, replace bathroom flooring with non-slip tiles or vinyl flooring that offers better grip even when wet.

These solutions are just the beginning of creating a bathroom that supports aging in place. They can be implemented with minimal disruption and at various budget levels, making them accessible options for many families.

Glass Shower Doors can be a Danger

Glass shower doors may add a touch of elegance and openness to any bathroom, but there are inherent dangers that should not be overlooked. It’s important for homeowners and occupants to be aware of these risks to ensure safety within the bathroom environment.

One of the primary concerns with glass shower doors is the potential for shattering and these accidents can result in injuries. The shattering can be triggered by impact, drastic temperature changes, or the weakening of the glass over time due to improper installation or manufacturing defects. Such incidents not only pose a risk of cuts and bruises but also can be quite alarming and lead to other injuries in the panic that follows.

Keep access in mind also! Glass shower doors also reduce access for entering and exiting a shower which also allows less space for caregivers to assist loved ones. In addition, shower doors have handles that offer a false sense of security: The handles are very tempting to utilize for stabilization during entering and exiting the tub or shower, which commonly leads to falls. 

We gladly provide a service to remove doors and replace them with curved wall-mounted curtain rods with a launderable shower curtain. 

Oakley Home Access is ready to help you make your home accessible and increase safety. Contact us to get started with your Free Home Safety Assessment and to learn more about what we can do for you!